Liam Bateman

My Thoughts

A space to share my thoughts & opinions find out more about me here

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one month ago

Advice Is Everywhere...

Today you can find advice everywhere, it doesn't matter if you asked for it or not and advice is a tame word for what it is, ideological, binary and often extremely black and white.

one month ago

Goodbye Apple...

I've been in the Apple Ecosystem for about 15 years, you could say I was the definition of fan, I had the MacBook Pro, Watch, iMac, iPhone, iPad Pro, if it had the Apple logo on it, I had it and each release, I'd upgrade and each OS release I'd be up to date with the latest changes.

one month ago

(Re) Hello World

Often when developers start out in a new programming language or framework the first application they produce is 'Hello World', it's a simple but effective way of demonstrating basic syntax and a normal first step. So, Re-Hello World is an apt name for this post!